Track by Track Review of ‘This is Acting’ by Sia

Last Friday (29th January 2016), Sia released her album ‘This is Acting’. I’ve never been a huge fan of Sia, but I love this album. I first heard it the day after it’s release and I decided to write this blog post a week after to I can give a better review, as I would of had it and listened to it for longer.


Bird Set Free

This is one of my favourite of the album and is a great way to start of the album as it really shows off Sia’s beautiful hoarse voice (as does every other song TBH). I especially enjoyed listening to this on my way home from school after having an awful day (most days), it’s really inspires to me to be free-er and do what I want.



This is another one of my favourites (I’ll probably say this for every song). This was Sia’s lead single for this album and I think it was a great choice, it really represented what the album was going to be like. It’s one of those songs which you can just scream out to passionately in the car or in your bedroom when your feeling sad and instantly feel better. It’s an emotional song which fits in amazing with Sia’s vocals.


One Million Bullets

This song is a emotion packed ballad that really shows that Sia can SING. Gorgeous song.


Move Your Body

This is definaetly not a song I expected Sia to make, I can imagine this being played at clubs and party. This upbeat feel good song has a infectiously catchy chorus.



This song is great. It one of those self motivating songs, showcasing this with the chorus’ line of ‘I’m unstoppable today’.


Cheap Thrills

I LOVE this song. It’s so fun and allows you to just throw away your fears or worries and have a great time. My favourite part of the song is the little voice repeating Sia in the chorus, and the people in the back saying ‘I love cheap thrills’. (You’ll understand once you listen to the song.



I don’t know what it is about this song, but it puts me in such a great mood. It has a very strong chorus which shows clearly how much Sia means every word she says.


House on Fire

I love the drum in the background and the chorus is what makes this song so great, it’s so catchy and fun, this is one of my favourites.



I think this song lacks the excitment and uniqueness of the other songs, but still manages to be great because of Sia’s powerful vocals.


Sweet Design

This is another upbeat bop that I can imagine being played at parties. This samples the 1999 hit ‘Thong Song’, and it works.


Broken Glass

I like the chorus but smililary to ‘Footprints’, the verses lack excitement. But I really enjoy the production on this song and of course Sia’s vocals.


Space Between

This song has quite an eery sound, and I think it is a great way to wrap up the album as it is so emotional and gripping. The production is more simple and as it is the last song I find this makes the whole album much more effective and heart wrenching.



Overall this is one of my favourites at the moment, my favourites are Bird Set Free, Alive, Cheap Thrills, Reaper and House on Fire. I really recommend buying this album or at least listening to it. It’s such a real album and you feel the emotion behind every word Sia sings even when it’s an upbeat number.

You can stream it here or buy it here.

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